02.07.11 Milford Haven to Fishguard

Date:- 02.07.11
Name: Morgen
Crew: RD (Richard Dempster),
From: Milford haven
To: Fishguard
Comments: really nice days sailing

Wind Strength / direction: force 3 westerly
Sea State: slight
Distance: 48.7 nautical miles
Time Taken: 9hrs 45mins

This was perhaps the best day of sailing I have ever had.

The weather was perfect. Just warm enough to be comfortable, just enough wind to keep moving and more wildlife than I have seen on any leg so far.  Apart from the wildlife (best pictures of Dolphin yet) the trip was lovely as I had to sail around various islands on the west coast of Wales and so it was very interesting. Quite an uneventful rest of  trip concluding in anchoring in a lovely little bay. I saw Puffin, Dolphin, Seal, and a sun fish but couldn’t get a good picture of it.


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Richard. There has been a lot of support for you over on the AICR Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/associationforinternationalcancerresearch
