Dartmouth 13.05.11 to 16th.05.11

Date:- 13.05.11 to 16.05.11
Name: Morgen
Crew: RD (Richard Dempster), Freddie
From: Dartmouth
To: N/A
Comments: A lovely weekend in Dartmouth

Wind Strength / direction: force 2
Sea State:Slight
Time Taken:

Lovely entrance to Dartmouth

Arrived back at the boat on Friday evening. This is after being at home for five days suffering with toothache. Not fun at sea. I have had sensitive teeth on the left side of my jaw for about a year but whilst at Poole Harbour and Weymouth the toothache really began to bother me to the point where I couldn’t eat or drink from the left side of my mouth. After visiting the emergency dentist in Kettering explaining that I need something done as I need to return to the boat in order to carry on, ‘she said to phone my dentist first thing Monday morning’ and gave me some anti-biotics. And that was it!
I phoned my dentist first thing Monday morning explaining all the ins and outs and they told me my dentist was off ill. So I made an appointment with an other dentist from the same practise. This Dentist said that she thought it was my wisdom teeth and to take some stronger tablets and make an appointment with my own dentist.Arghhhhh
The following day I phoned the dentist again as the pain was by now really bad. Holding pillows and rocking back and forth sort of pain. But finally an emergency appointment was made with my own dentist.
She immediately found the tooth that was causing all the pain and sensitivety and informed me that I would need to undergo route canal treatment and three follow up appointments. But she started it straight away. At last. After many injections and drilling she finally removed the three canals (the route) and filled the tooth with a temporary filling. This actually took nearly two hours so quite a big operation. A further appointment has been made which I will need to attend at some point when I’m home.
A bad nights sleep was to follow as the anaesthetic wore off and the pain from my jaw slowly made its presence felt. However revelation upon revelation the following morning dawned pain free. This was the first time in weeks that I did not have toothache. Yehhhhhh.

Freda and Alan enjouying the sail so far

Any way moved the boat from the Dartmouth Harbour authority moorings back to Darthaven marina so we could enjoy the facilities of a marina for the weekend. My sister and brother in law live in Corwall which is about 40 minutes away and they arranged to visit the following day. Great I rarely see Freda and Alan and this would be the first time they would see the boat.

Freda and Alan arrived Saturday morning and after a cup of tea and a good gossip where I found out that my sister is terrified of boats and gets sea sick very easily we took a chance to go out to the entrance of the bay as it was very calm and sunny. To my sisters surprise she found the boat to be very sure footed and did not feel sea sick at all. After her confidence grew we decided to put the Jib up ( the front sail) She found this fine too but I did try to explain that because the wind was with us the boat sat nice and flat but when we turn in to the wind in order to return the boat would heel over far more as we would be sailing close to the wind which would make it heel over. She was even fine with this. Surprise surprise, until Freddie decided to jump on her for some petting. This did frighten her as we were quite heeled over at the time. After much licking by Freddie we turned in to the harbour and wound the Jib back in and turned the motor on and everything settled down to a nice afternoon trip up the river Dart. This is a very beautiful part of the country and we are surrounded by woods and rolling hills and a lovely meandering river. Perfect.

Just to prove I was on the boat

Some wine and dinner and a lot of laughing and catching up and moaning about politicians etc and we all turned in for the night.
Sunday morning breakfast in the Royal Dart Hotel was a great treat and a good way of starting the day off. This is how Sundays should be. A lazy slow start. After breakfast Freda and Alan said there goodbyes so they could return home and catch up with all those weekend chores and give me Fran and Freddie a little time to ourselves before Fran would need to set off home on her four and half hour drive.
I have to say though it was a great weekend seeing my sister and spending time with both of them is quite special when we live half of the country away from them. We have always been close and it was a real boon being this close to there home whilst on my trip. I’m really glad they made it. One thing which was said whilst we had had a few drinks inside us that when I arrive in Plymouth they will visit me again which should I hope depending on weather be next weekend.
It depends on weather if I make Plymouth be the weekend as there is a Front coming in from the Atlantic which is due to hit us on Wednesday. I hope that this will be a rest day. But I will have to wait and see.
Monday 16th May was the day I had put aside for getting on with some of the running repairs etc. Another costly trip to the chandlery. I have to replace the mains electric input connection for when you connect to shore power. The existing one is a pain in the a___ as when you are standing at the helm steering as you do for many hours on end you cannot help but stand on the protective flap. This has had the corner broken off and now does a good impression of a hacksaw cutting in to your ankles. A new flush mounted electrical connector is now in place and when you stand at the helm you can brace yourself with legs equal distance apart. The other job which I needed to do was repair the tack line for the cruising chute. I bought some rope eyes again from the chandlers and fitted them to the deck so the new tack line could run freely back to the cockpit where I can adjust the tension.
Job done!

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